UNIFIT, the start-up led by Alumni Alejandro Torras, will be present at the Mobile World Congress - 4YFN 2024 thanks to Elisava and Elisava Impuls
Date: 12.02.2024
Entrepreneurship Career developement Inspiración

Elisava will present three innovative projects at the Mobile World Congress - 4YFN 2024: ATOM H2 ENERGYTECH, BIOCEL, and UNIFIT, developed by researchers, students, and Elisava Alumni, driven by Elisava Impuls.

ATOM, led by Anna Martin and Marcel Rovira, is an electric generator that utilizes hydrogen storage. BIOCEL transforms residual organic matter into biofabricated filaments, and UNIFIT, the start-up led by also Alumni Alejandro Torras, offers a comprehensive platform for management and communication in educational communities.

These projects will be showcased from February 26th to 29th, from 8:30 am to 7:00 pm, at the 4YFN fair (University Spin Off Zone), in Hall 8.1 of the MWC Barcelona, the world's leading mobile communication event, held at the Barcelona Fairgrounds.

Elisava Impuls aims to drive opportunities in the Elisava ecosystem, making an impact on the market and society through spin-offs, startups, or patent licensing. An incubation program is offered to strengthen the relationship between companies and universities, providing support in launching these projects to the market.

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