The engineer, architect and Elisava Alumni Alba Colomer, who graduated in Technical Engineering in Industrial Design in 2008, has participated together with Jaume Bach, Anna Bach, Eugeni Bach, and Xevi Bayona in the urban reform project of the Miquel Blay promenade, known as "El Firal" in the city of Olot, capital of the Garrotxa region.
“El Firal" and "El Firalet" promenades, located in the center of the city, are the most important tree-lined public spaces as well as the backbone of the life of its citizens, where the weekly market is held, where local festivals are held, where the city's main facilities are located, such as the Town Hall and the Principal Theatre, and where important buildings such as the Casa Solà-Morales and the Casa Gaietà Vila can be found.
Photograph by Adrià Goula