Yum Design: Furniture from the sea
Date: 15.04.2021

Yum Design, the project led by the Alumni Humberto Iess, aims to put a stop to the Microplastics Crisis by standardizing the consumption of recycled products through design.


The project is part of a collection platform that has been launched through its website to finance the plastic pickups that are carried out periodically on the beaches of Gran Canaria.


Yum Design aims to develop the circular economy and the use of eco-innovative materials in the field of industrial design. As a starting point, the project addresses furniture design, focusing on the standardization of the consumption of recycled products and on finding forms and elements that use a representative amount of material, and not just a small percentage as in the case of accessories such as glasses or mask holders.


The project is currently in a development and prototyping phase in which it is experimenting with other recycled materials but, shortly, Humberto will begin the test with 100% recycled molten plastic obtained from the sea, composed mostly of polypropylene and polyethylene from high density, which are the plastics that reach the coasts and are those that are collected with a fishing net or through beach cleaning.


In addition to the launch of the furniture brand, Humberto promotes, through the brand's Instagram account (@, the awareness and concern about pollution and the care of our beaches. Through educational videos and powerful images, Humberto aims to change the perception of the overuse we make of plastic and ensure that the material is used in a responsible way.


Yum Design plans to launch its first designs before the summer of 2021. The furniture will be sold through its website and will respond to a sustainable production, so that each piece of furniture will be manufactured on demand, thus avoiding unnecessary stocks and consumption.